Libraries collaborate for the public good

People wear hard hats outside library building

As your public library, we love to share! And that includes sharing space with our neighbors.  “The ethical cornerstone of public libraries is that we want to benefit the public good, and sharing what we have is the way we do it,” says Skye Lavin, Manager of Adult Services at the Forest Park Public Library. … Read more

Celebrating AAC, ADHD & Down Syndrome Awareness Months: Activities for early learners & support for caregivers

Shelley pointing to a visual aid featuring autumn animals

By Children’s Librarian Shelley Harris October is a big month! Many kids are excited for Halloween, of course. We finally enter an autumn that will last a while; that’s usually pretty great. Sometimes we even see a few snow flurries, which is probably more exciting to me than to others.  And of course, every year, … Read more

Meet Nora, Latinx Language & Culture Librarian

Headshot of Nora Sanchez with text Nora Sanchez, Latinx Language & Culture Librarian

Please note: As of March 24, 2023, the library has changed its usage from “Latinx” to “Latine.” Nora is now the Latine Language & Culture Librarian. “As an organization, we are continuously learning and evolving to meet the needs expressed to us by our community,” says Manager of Community Engagement Sarah Yale. “Increasingly, we are hearing from … Read more

Sharing books: At-home videos & activities for early learners

Kids playing on books

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian Welcome back to a new year of learning! I finished library school more than ten years ago, but I still consider September a fresh start for the year. I’m excited to get started. What better way to start a new season of learning than by sharing books? This is the … Read more

Join us! Explore new ways to connect with yourself & your community at upcoming events

A collage of photos: a chair and yoga mats, heart healthy foods, and a cup of coffee with people talking in the background

Happy January 2024! The year is new, and the weather is cold. But luckily there are so many things happening at the library to help you stay warm and keep on track with any resolutions you might have made. Even if you don’t make resolutions, the New Year is a great time to reset and … Read more

35 things to do with little ones this fall

An illustration of a lion pulling two cubs in a wagon while more illustrated animals play in a park in the fall

Fall family fun is in full swing here in Oak Park! Explore free activities—curated by your public library and the Collaboration for Early Childhood—specially designed for families with young children. The season is just packed! Activities Storytimes Places Events

Virtual learning & fun for early learners: Whoosh, bang, boom

Toddler singing

By Children’s Librarian Shelley Harris When we think about talking with our smallest kids, there are so many sounds involved: animal sounds, choo choo sounds, airplane sounds. These may feel like small things, but they’re important—the sounds we make with our kids are the building blocks of words. Being able to hear and practice those … Read more

Virtual learning for early learners: Explore a world of words

Mr. Dean working on Bones Discovery Kit

By Children’s Librarian Shelley Harris Greetings and salutations! Jenny and I have been having fun sharing words this week, from words about apples to what we can find around our homes. Words are everywhere! Explore words together with these videos, activities, books, and more. Watch these videos Miss Jenny has a book called Be Kind, … Read more

Virtual learning & fun for early learners: Serious learning

Miss Jenny and Ruthie with drawing

By Children’s Librarian Shelley Harris “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.” That’s a quote from Fred Rogers, and one that we at the library take very seriously. Every time we update our department play spaces, we consider various different kinds … Read more

Sing, sing a song: Videos & activities for early learners

Miss Jenny and Ruthie the Camel

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian Mr. Andy, one of our past librarians, always used to tell caregivers that he could remember the words to “Sweet Caroline” much better than he could remember how to use and program his remote control. Does that feel familiar? Things set to song are easier to remember! If you have … Read more