Introducing Early Bird Learning videos

New: Early Bird Learning Videos text with chicken on rocketship and birdie on stack of books

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian Let’s take a walk through memory lane! In January 2016, Jenny (pictured above with Ruthie the camel) and I launched the Early Bird Reader program, with weekly literacy tips texted out and monthly videos for caregivers that dug a little deeper into a specific literacy topic. In March 2020, we had … Read more

Collaborating for success: Supporting early learners & caregivers

Collage of images: A chicken on rocketship, toys in front of a bag with the Collaboration for Early Childhood logo, and birdie on stack of books that reads Early Bird Readers

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian By now, you’re very familiar with our new Early Bird Learning video series, right? Each week we share a new video, alternating between content to watch with your kids and content just for caregivers. To help create content for these videos, we’ve partnered with our friends at Collaboration for Early Childhood, … Read more

Soak up the last of summer reading: Log books & activities by August 31

Summer Reading June 1-August 31: Oceans of Possibilities with two children reading and listening with headphones while riding a fish

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian School supplies are everywhere you look and first days of school and preschool are looming on your calendar, but it’s still solidly summer here at your library. Oceans of Possibilities runs through August 31, so there are still a few more weeks of summer reading! Many families start the summer strong, logging … Read more

STEAM Fest 2023 & more: Experience the wide world of STEAM at the library

Three students playing a coding game

By Eileen Saam, Children’s Librarian We are so excited to partner with Oak Park Elementary School District 97 and the Oak Park Education Foundation to bring you STEAM Fest 2023! On Thursday, March 2, families with students in grades K-8 are invited to come to the Oak Park Public Library to experience the wide world … Read more

7 ways to get children on the path to reading: A virtual tutorial for caregivers

An adult holding up a picture book to a room full of preschoolers and caregivers

By Children’s Librarian Shelly Harris For kids, play is serious learning. That means storytimes are both fun and serious learning! Every class we lead rests on the foundation of the Very Ready Reading Program, which offers seven ways to immerse kids in early literacy. Those seven ways are sharing books, songs, stories, words, rhymes, sounds, and … Read more

Be kind to yourself: Videos & resources for grownups & early learners

Be Kind to Yourself text floating on a blue sky with clouds

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian We often come back to the topic of emotions and social-emotional learning with our kids. Sometimes it may feel like we’re repeating ourselves! But we keep returning to the topic because it’s an important one. Kids (and adults!) learn best when they feel that they are safe and secure in … Read more

Kids summer reading: Kids as young as 2 can join the fun!

Kids and pets reading under a blanket

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian Most people look at summer as a time to relax and have fun. For Children’s Services Librarians, it’s our busy season! We’ve spent the past few months preparing the summer reading program, and now it’s here! This summer, our theme is Adventure Begins at Your Library. Once again we are using … Read more

New year, new transitions! Videos & books for early learners

A graphic featuring an illustration of a schoolhouse with children coming down a slide built on the front and the text Welcome Back to School

By Shelley Harris, Children’s Librarian Welcome to the -ber months: September, October, November, and December! Most people celebrate the start of a new year in January. Not me. I graduated more than ten years ago, but the start of the school year is still the start of my personal new year. For a lot of young … Read more

Meet Latonia, Manager of Teen Services

Latonia Jackson

UPDATE: Under Latonia’s leadership, Teen Services expanded and changed its name to “Middle and High School Services” in August 2022. Say hello to the newest member of our team, Latonia Jackson! “I am passionate about helping others reach their fullest potential,” Latonia says. “I am eager to grow and learn every day. If you’re willing, … Read more

Conserving a piece of the past

Conservation Center crafts a new frame for the library's Scoville Window

Special Collections curates, houses, and conserves Oak Park’s historical treasures, and makes them publicly available both in person and digitally. In 2018 we worked with the Conservation Center in Chicago to conserve a work of art of special significance to the library—a rare window from the Scoville Institute, the late 19th-century building that once stood … Read more