Celebrate summer reading & Pride Month: Events & books for kids

Line drawings of a calendar, a book, and a bingo card on a rainbow background

By Hal, Rainbow Services Librarian This year, our theme for kids summer reading is Adventure Begins at Your Library. Reading books, trying out something new in a Discovery Kit, or attending a library event can all be adventures. I think the best adventures teach us more about ourselves and those around us.  June 1 is … Read more

Restorative Practices Conference

The Oak Park Public Library’s 5th Annual Restorative Practices Conference delved into the transformative power of restorative practices in building compassionate and inclusive communities. This conference took place on January 19-20, 2024.Friday schedule | Saturday schedule Day 1: Friday, January 19, Conference schedule Hear how restorative practices impact our library community and our surrounding communities. In … Read more

Present or Suggest a Program

If you are interested in presenting or suggesting a program at the library, please read through the following information and complete the form on this page. Reasons to program with your library include: Considerations include: The library prioritizes programs of an arts, cultural, or humanities nature; programs that encourage civic, digital, and financial literacy and … Read more

Democracy & Public Libraries

“Public libraries are one of the only places where information is readily available to anyone who might seek it out, and they often exist separately from the ever-changing nature of electoral politics. Through election cycles in a community, the public library and its resources are available for those who wish to use it. That is, … Read more

Exhibiting Art in the Library

The Oak Park Public Library welcomes local artists to exhibit their work and engage with the community. Access to opportunities and spaces is guided by our commitment to equity and anti-racism. We invite artists of all backgrounds and mediums to submit a proposal to exhibit their work in a library space designed to showcase wall … Read more

Code of Ethics

Reprinted with permission from the American Library Association. Adopted at the 1939 Midwinter Meeting by the ALA Council; amended June 30, 1981; June 28, 1995; January 22, 2008; and June 29, 2021. As members of the American Library Association, we recognize the importance of codifying and making known to the profession and to the general public … Read more

The Oak Park Book Bikes

As extensions of the library, Oak Park’s two Book Bikes give people access to the library outside of the three brick-and-mortar buildings. From April through October (weather permitting), we stock the bikes full of books and other library materials and ride them to schools, parks, block parties, local businesses, summer camps, community festivals, and more. … Read more

Oak Park Home Delivery

Oak Park Home Delivery brings library materials to residents who have limited mobility, are ages 60+, or have children under the age of 5. Find more about the library’s ADA-compliant facilities and equipment as well as supported resources, services, and programs for all ages » Frequently asked questions What can I receive? How long can … Read more