References to the Architecture of Oak Park and River Forest
compiled by Frances H. Steiner, 1999
The Steiner Index lists information about Oak Park and River Forest houses and buildings. You can find names of original owners, architects, building dates and addresses.
“The references included in this volume were collected over a period of almost thirty years. I began researching Oak Park in preparation for my Masters’ Thesis at the University of Chicago. My first intention was to study the architecture of Oak Park to determine how Frank Lloyd Wright’s style and presence in the village affected the other architectural activity there. Soon I learned that such a project was much too ambitious for the time restrictions, so I curbed the thesis to focus only on Oak Park’s most prolific architect, Eben E. Roberts. In the meanwhile, I had collected architectural references from all the local newspapers between 1896 and 1916. Over the years, I have expanded this file, but since the material was gathered for my own use, it focused on my own interests, and therefore, it has not been carried out with the discipline, thoroughness and consistency that an unbiased librarian would have brought to the project. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this index will benefit the residents of Oak Park and River Forest as well as architectural historians in pursuit of information on local structures.”—Frances H. Steiner