Oak Park Creates: Submit Your Work

Are you a local author, musician, or filmmaker? Your creative work belongs at your public library.

Oak Park Creates is an opportunity to share your creative work—your book, your music, your movie—and have it become part of a unique and growing local creators’ collection.

Books displayed on a shelf below a sign reading Oak Park Creates oppl.org/creates

Submission guidelines

Anyone with direct ties to Oak Park—including current and former residents and those who work or attend school here—can submit materials for consideration to include in the collection.

Accepted materials include:

  • Physical items: Books, discs (DVD, Blu-ray, CD, LP), and other self-contained objects that can be stickered and labeled for loan
  • Ebooks: ePub2, ePub3, or PDF
  • Audiobooks and music: MP3
  • Movies: MP4, MPG, AVI, 3GP, FLV, DIVX, WEBM, or OGG

As with other items in the library catalog, the library becomes the owner of all items shared.

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Submit your work

Are you a current or former Oak Park resident?(Required)
Format(s) of work (check all that apply):(Required)
Intended audience(s) (check all that apply):
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