Book Bike: Make a Request

Interested in scheduling a Book Bike visit for your next event in Oak Park? Visits to schools, apartment residences, neighborhood parks, block parties, local businesses, and summer camps happen all around town—April through October—weather permitting.

Kids waiting in line at the Book Bike with block party fun happening in the background

Complete the form below to request a Book Bike visit at your next event

What’s on board the Book Bike when library staff members pedal it to community events? The bike’s cargo hold is stocked with relevant materials—cookbooks and gardening manuals at the Farmers’ Market, for example, and children’s books at area park and daycare storytimes. And visitors can learn about library services and programs, use their library card to check out materials, and apply for a library card.

Ready to get started? Please check our statement about unavailable dates before completing the form below.

Unavailable dates

We are thrilled Oak Park loves its Book Bike! Unfortunately, due to high demand, we cannot schedule any additional visits on any weekend dates—Saturday or Sunday—for the remainder of the 2024 season. If we missed your block/event this season, we hope to engage with you around town this autumn and visit you again in 2025!

If you have a weekday event, you are welcome to fill out the request form below for consideration. Thank you for inviting the library to pop up at your event/location!

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